
Defining the term “Noticing” as a Competency

Competency has been defined in so many ways depending on the subject or object of the definition. However, for the purpose of this content, competency is a combination of knowledge, insight, mindset, and skills that are recognized in one’s actions and behavior that is used to achieve set goals.

There are many attributes that make up the competency profile of any individual. One of such attributes is Noticing. Other attributes are Taking the Initiative, Analyzing, Deciding, Creating, Planning and Organizing, Persevering, Reacting Flexibly, Functioning Under Pressure, Communicating Verbally, Communicating in Writing, Helping, Networking, Checking, Leading, and Self Management.

“Noticing” as a Competency

Noticing is referred to as the ability to pick up on and using signals from people, organizations, and society. People with a high level of this ability are quick to notice if there is something up with someone. They also have a thorough knowledge of what is going on around them. These people are sometimes easily distracted. People with a low level will frequently find themselves surprised by what is going on around them or going on with other people because they do not see it coming. These people are sometimes referred to as inattentive or careless.

This competency is useful when it is important to be able to notice subtle changes. For example, noticing is important in roles such as relationship therapist, bodyguard, process operator, or trend-watcher.

How Can you Develop this Competency?

There are many ways to go about this. However, here are three tips you can start with right now.

  • from time to time, consciously direct your attention to the non-verbal cues people are giving.
  • keep abreast of what is going on around you and ask the affected people questions.
  • do not be overly single-minded, instead interrupt your work regularly

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