As we round-off the year 2019 and an end of a decade for this site (yes, I registered the domain name on 24 February 2009 😉), I look back to each month of the year 2019 in order to see the content that people were much more interested in.

I published World Water Day 2019: Leaving No One Behind earlier in January 2019 so as to get the word out about the World Water Day that comes up every March 22nd. Fortunately, the post ended up becoming the content that people were much more interested in. I’m happy with this because WATER (recycling, treatment, and reuse) is something I am much more interested in as well.

In February 2019, people read Development Data Nigeria: Human Development Index more than the other content published in that month. The content also became the second most popular post in 2019. A similar trend on the topic of the Environment, and People continued in March 2019 with Have the Guts, Get the Glory becoming the most read content.

Convenience is the Enemy of Good Pizza is the most read content in April 2019. This content was inspired and based on the podcast by Seth Godin titled “Pizza and Sushi“.

In May 2019, Signs of Unhealthy Relationships to Watch Out For got people in their feelings. It became the most read content in the month of May, and the fifth most popular post in 2019.

The focus on the topic of relationship shifted towards business analysis as Five Important Stats Your Online Business Should Track became the most read content in June 2019. This continued in July 2019 with How Companies Can Become Hyper-Relevant in Their Industries taking the lead. It also became the forth most popular post in 2019. Also, in August 2019, the business trend influenced Four Sources of Digital Value Creation to become the most read post.

The focus slightly shifted to the topic of women in September 2019 with Child Marriages in the US becoming the most read content in the month and in the year 2019.

In October 2019, the only published content in the month automatically became the most read post for the month. It is about the 10 Best Countries to Become a Social Entrepreneur. This also occurred in December 2019 as the only post, How to Speak so that People want to Listen, is the most read post in December.

In November 2019, Getting Published on Facebook News resonated with people probably because Facebook News was in the process of getting launched by Facebook Inc.

Other 10 Most Popular Posts in 2019

1. The 2019 Social Progress Index (September 2019).

2. 6 Habits of Successful Digital Transformation Risk-Handlers (May 2019).

3. Boosting African Entrepreneurship with Africa Continental Free Trade (May 2019).

4. The Future of Car Shopping is Moving Online (May 2019).

5. Lower-Cost Technologies Can Help to Achieve the SDGs (August 2019).

6. Love Dreams (May 2019).

7. Three Truths of the Digital Era (July 2019).

8. Libra, A New Global Currency based on Blockchain Technology (June 2019).

9. The Tiniest Spark (March 2019).

10. Coffee Fast: Does Humanity Runs on Coffee? (March 2019).

In conclusion

I didn’t pay much attention to publishing more content in 2019 even though it’s always in my mind to do this. I am going to do this in 2020 with a goal to publish at least 150 quality content. I believe this would be useful for as many people that come across them via all the sources that leads people to this site.

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