If you don’t know already, blogging is a legitimate way to make money online. And you will be learning about the 6 things you can do to make money blogging. These things are very doable and they are what you should get involved in if you are really considering making money from blogging. I like blogging and I know many bloggers in Nigeria who feel the same. If you feel the same way and you want to make more money from what you like, let’s talk about making money blogging and what it really means.

Blogging is something that requires patience, consistency, and discipline. It may mean publishing great contents every day for over a year before you really start to make any money from it. I know that there are exceptions to this. However, most Nigerians I have come across seems to spend one, two or more years building their blogs, brand, and authority, before making any serious amount of money from the blog. For me, I started making money blogging from this blog the day after it was started.

1. Advertising

This is definitely the oldest way of making money with a blog. Some bloggers are starting to say that Blog Ads is not the best way to make money blogging. However, there are lots of brands still looking for blogs to advertise on. You can sell banner or text advertising space directly on your blog or you can sign up with a program like Google AdSense or MediaNet. Either way, you won’t make a whole lot of money from the ads if you are not getting enough quantity and quality traffic to your blog every day.

2. Affiliates

There are many affiliate networks you can join as a Nigerian which allows you to promote other people’s products and services while you get paid commission for every sale you generate. You simply put a link (affiliate link) or a banner (with your affiliate link) strategically on your blog and then get your readers to click through and buy the product/service. To make the most of this, it is best you select products that are related to blog’s contents. Examples of affiliate networks/programs you can join are the 160+ Affiliate Programs that Pay Recurring Commissions. Others are Konga or Jumia.

READ ALSO: How to Make Real Money Online from Affiliate Marketing in Nigeria

3. Membership

One more advanced way to make money blogging is to setup membership area for your blog. Many people have created a paid membership area on their blog. This is typically for exclusive or premium content that your premium members can only access the member’s area. You will need to create the membership area and then add things that can’t easily be accessed from the web for your premium members. There are both free and paid membership plugins or script you can get and then set up a membership area for your blog. As a Nigerian, it safe to create membership area where people can pay for with online payment tools for Nigerians.

4. Products

You can create your own products (e.g. ebooks, audios, videos, software etc) and then use your blog as a promotion tool to get people to buy your product. Lots of information marketers in Nigeria do this already. You too can as long as you create legitimate products that offer a whole lot of value to your buyers. You would be able to buyers if your product is what your blog readers/visitors want. This is why you need to make sure your product is what people will buy – it must be valuable.

5. Services

In addition to products, you should offer paid services (e.g. coaching, training, maintenance, teaching, planning etc) and then use your blog to promote your own services. You are basically using your blog to sell yourself. You’ll need to convince people that you’re worth buying and then be able to back up your claims once they purchase your service. Make sure you investigate all the legal implications and also make sure you’re not claiming to be a professional if you’re not one. If you do, people will expect a professional service from you and if your service isn’t professional, you will lose credibility and people will label you a scammer. You don’t want this for yourself.

6. Sponsored Posts

Sponsored posts are basically posts you write about a brand, product or service which you get paid for to publish on your own blog. An individual or a company will pay you to publish an article about them or their product/service on your blog. You will write these in a form of review and get your readers to read and take action by making use of the product or service you reviewed. Sponsored posts is a way to go.

If you’re truly interested in becoming a money making blogger, you should start by looking through the archives. It may take you time to read everything on our archive, but it will be worth it. You’ll practically become a better money making blogger.

At this point, I need you to know that you will need a lot of traffic to your blog before you start making lots of money blogging. You should start now and work your way up the different levels of bloggers in Nigeria.


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  1. This is an eye opener to anyone that truly want to make money blogging. Thanks for this powerful info.

  2. Thanks a lot. I need detailed steps on how to start up blogging business and online mini importation. Thank you in anticipation of a reply.

    1. Please, go to …. and subscribe. Then confirm your subscription. Only then will you be able to get further emails about what you need.

  3. Nice post Soji, I always love reading your blog. Most times I wish I could just write little like you, but once I start writing they just keep on coming…lol

    Thanks bro and keep the good work going.

    1. Thanks Adegoke.

      You write good and I like it.

      I checked out the post you quoted [link removed according to comment policy]. You did a good work on it. If I were you, I would have written it in series 😉

  4. The ways I mostly use is the Affiliate and Advertising Option. I’m going to work something out on some other ways. Nice write up

  5. Hello, sponsored posts is something I haven’t thought of. I am doing some advertising and promoting affiliate products but that is all right now. Thanks. this is a great list to get started! Cheers. Eric

    1. Hi Eric,

      Good to know you find something new to add to your online income streams.

  6. Very educative, it could help create jobs for the teaming youths if looked into with keen interest

  7. I’m happy reading this article. I’m a new blogger and my blog isn’t up to 6 months now. Please, is it okay if I apply for AdSense?

    1. Hi Harrisson,

      It’s okay to apply for AdSense. However, you’ll be labouring in vain for AdSense if your blog solely depends on AdSense.

      You should concentrate on making your blog valuable as par traffic and how many people find your blog useful.

  8. Even though the advertising is the oldest way, it is still the best way for me. Because it make huge income within a very short time period.

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