I can’t overstate that affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money online as a website owner or blogger. However, some people still don’t get how affiliate marketing works. Here’s why I am putting up this affiliate marketing guide. In it, I will try to summarise what needs to be known and done about affiliate marketing. Please note, this affiliate marketing guide is a guide you need to spend time on and make the best out of.


How Affiliate Marketing Works

how affiliate marketing works


Affiliate Marketing Guide: Mindset

The basic mindset about affiliate marketing is that you promote other people’s products/services on your website/blog, and then receive a commission when someone buys the product via your affiliate link. Did you get that? You get paid a commission when someone else, and not you, buys the product/service via your affiliate link.


Affiliate Marketing Guide: Skill-set

There are so many ways to do affiliate marketing in the right way. I will just list the basic skill-sets you need to have. However, you need to be creative and promote products in a way that differentiates you from others and still gets you more commissions.

The basic skill-sets are;

– Write reviews (on your website/blog) about the product/service you are promoting
– Publish case studies of how the product/service has helped you (or someone else)
– Do product/service comparisons and publish a post about it on your blog/website
– Share the reviews, case studies and product comparisons with your email list, social networks and other online platforms


Affiliate Marketing Guide: Toolset

There are several resources and tools you need to use for affiliate marketing. I have written about them in the following posts. Make sure you read and act on them.

Successful Strategies for Promoting Products as an Affiliate
How to Use Direct Links in Affiliate Marketing
Steps to Make Your First Affiliate Commission
How to Succeed with Affiliate Marketing
Why You Should Only Promote Products You Believe in
How to Know a Profitable Affiliate Program
How to Choose Profitable Affiliate Programs
How to Promote Recurring Affiliate Programs
The 5 Secrets to Success in Affiliate Marketing

…see more on the affiliate marketing topics archive

If you are going to get involved in affiliate marketing by following this affiliate marketing guide, you’ll get the best return on sharing good products that solve a particular need you audience have. Share the reviews, case studies, product comparisons and make good use of organic search traffic. It usually converts best. Ranking for keywords that can drive affiliate revenue isn’t always easy but if you get your reviews, case studies and product comparison to your audience effectively, you will get more affiliate revenues.

It is important to know that the drive your audience need to make purchases via your affiliate link is dependent on how detailed your content (reviews, case studies, product comparisons etc). You shouldn’t expect to get something good from a content that doesn’t drive your audience to action.

The bottom line to this affiliate marketing guide is to always ask yourself, “would I write about this product if I wasn’t an affiliate?” If your answer is no, then you probably shouldn’t promote the product as an affiliate.

If you have found this guide very useful for you, consider sharing it with those you know need to learn and earn from this. You can also share this post around and let people know what you are learning and will be practising.


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  1. Always Top Notch Content

    Please I will like you to talk about the latest Amazon Affiliate Program know-how

    1. Thanks Laide.

      I’ll talk about that in one of the upcoming posts. Thanks for the suggestion.

  2. Thanks Adesoji,

    I have been reading your post and I love what you write! You are so good at delivering your message at the door step of anyone who reads your post. Good job!

    Just to notify you that I have you as a mentor. Don’t stop writing.

    I’ll like to have your opinon on this, do you think that starting a fashion blog can be a great way to drive my audience to my affiliate link? Can it be a great way of having your audience buy products of what you do? How do you add the buy button to them rather than using just the link? I’m confused and I need my mentor’s help. Thank you!

    1. Hello Devon.

      I’m glad to read your comment. Thanks.

      If your interest is in fashion and you know it’s a niche you will dominate and stay committed to, then it is a great way to drive your audience to fashion products you are affiliating with. You can add the buy button either by using an buy image and hyperlink it with your affiliate link or you can use shortcodes plugins available on WordPress which you can use to easily create buy buttons. I run http://www.weddingstoreng.com which can serve as an example for you.

  3. This is just on time. Thank you for the time spent and touching lives.

    1. You’re welcome Lilian.

      Make good use of the information.

  4. How do I go about with the Affiliate marketing business? I want to know how it works. I mean what type of product or service am I to promote? How do I sell? How do I know when someone bought the product? and how do I get paid for it? I will be grateful if you reply. Thanks.

    1. Hello Chizzy,

      Thanks for your questions. However, a reply is not enough to answer all of your questions. This is because most of your questions have been answered with different posts/articles on this blog. Please, invest some time every day to read the posts/articles and find answers to your questions. Remember, it’s a business so you’ve got to take it as a business. Also, you can always book a one-on-one online training via http://www.mmo.ng/book-me

  5. How do I start the affiliate marketing? I want to be part of it.

    1. Hey Edmund.

      I’m surprised at your question. It shows you didn’t read this post at all.

      Please, re-read and check the list of articles about affiliate marketing above. Make sure you act on them. You’ll find what to do to start affiliate marketing. However, if you need one-on-one online training, then make a booking via http://www.mmo.ng/book-me

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