Do you want to increase your affiliate earnings? If yes, one good way you can do that is through deep linking. It all starts with your affiliate username or tracking username or number and you can use deep linking to send your visitors to different pages on the website of the website/product/service/brand you are affiliated to.

Sometimes the homepage of the website for a product/service/brand that you are affiliating for isn’t the best place to send your visitors. Maybe you want to direct them to the help articles page or the FAQs page or just another page which will be useful to your visitors. By deep linking to specific pages, you can build higher conversion rates while helping your visitors find exactly what they need!

How Do you Use Deep Linking?

With deep linking, all you have to do is to point your visitors to different pages on the website of the product/service/brand. This is achieved by adding a little bit to your usual affiliate tracking link. Follow these simple steps to start deep linking your traffic and increase your affiliate earnings.

1. Start with your normal affiliate tracking link e.g.

2. Identify the page on the affiliate website that best suites your traffic (e.g., Themes, Plugins, marketing, knowledgebase, etc) and then find the page’s name in the URL (the part that comes after .com) in the URL bar of your browser.

3. Add ?ref=adesojiadegbulu after the page URL. You will need to add that to the end of page you want to send visitors to. It should then look like something like this:

The link is now ready to add to your blog for promotion! But you need to test it first before sending people to the link. Be sure to test the link to make sure it’s tracking correctly by logging into your affiliate account and checking the stats. Check your affiliate account to see how many clicks have been recorded and by clicking on your newly created deep link. If you see the number of clicks go up as you click on the link yourself. This means it’s working!

I hope you will use this tip to help you increase conversions and then increase your affiliate earnings.


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1 Comment

  1. Weldone Mr Soji, Thanks for this head up on deep linking to increase affiliate revenue, i am not really a fan of affiliate marketing until i started using a host about some months ago and i must say, promoting them has really increase my cash but trying this out will not hurt a bit, in fact, it will boost my sale if i can target certain part of the product page and direct my leads to it.

    But i have a very funny question, what is your take on cloaking an affiliate link. do you support the idea, because some school of thought said, you either leave the link open to whoever wants to click on it for them to know its an affiliate link and some other quarter in the affiliate marketing family said, don’t leave your link open because some other people might get hold of and turn it into something else and hijack your earnings. How true are this claims.

    This comment contains 163 words

    1. Affiliate marketing is a good way to earn passive recurrent income. You should give it more time.

      About cloaking link, it really depends on what you want. For me, I cloak some while I leave others.

      The reason i cloak some affiliate link is because some of them might look longer and hard to remember by people who wants to make use of the product/service/brand.

  2. Wow, this is the greatest idea I have being thinking about for some months now, its really bad for affiliation link to only refer to the website homepage, this as really discourage lot of people from clicking on affiliation link cause they have seen the homepage for hundred of times.

    Thanks for this master idea, now we can refer our blog readers/followers to our affiliation website in different pages. The funny part about this is that some people won’t know they are on your affiliation link, cause they will be expecting the site homepage or login page as always.

    Dealing with website link need to be careful, but thanks to those simple steps you mention in the post, I think no one should have trouble with it again.

    This comment contains 129 words

    1. You right Samtoby,

      People might get to the homepage of the website and not know what to do. But linking to specific pages will help them know what they need to do.

  3. Thanks, i will definitely give affiliate marketing some time.

  4. Affiliate marketing has been one of the best way of making legitimate money online.

    And with these tips above, your earning will surely increase and it will help to know the amount of traffic visiting the page.

  5. Affiliate marketing is one of the best way toward living a dot com life online. And one major problem most affiliate publishers face is ability to dig deep into a review that can easily convince their visitors and even thereafter, an eye catching link is high recommended.

    Most of the time, affiliate publishers miss huge amount of cash by not directing the buyer to the exact product page. Just take for instance, on Amazon, affiliate cookies is just 24 hours and anything outside that, the publisher missed the sale and that might be as a result of inability of the publisher to direct the customer to exact page of the product as so many people were not familiar with how to make use of search button on most website. Although, I’m hearing about this tool for the very first time and I know it worth trying being from your end.

    This comment contains 149 words

  6. Very nice article.

    Assuming your have a WordPress focused website, which affiliate network would you suggest for someone to monetise his contents?

    1. Hi Donfelix,

      You wouldn’t need an affiliate network for this. Just look around for sites that offer WordPress plugins, WordPress themes, WordPress SEO and all other things related to WordPress, sign up with them as an affiliate, promote the WordPress products and services with your affiliate link and get paid commission for sales you generate.

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