Do you know what the future of marketing is? Are you ready for it? To answer that question, you have to know what’s coming. Thankfully, Google’s Senior Vice President of Ads & Commerce, Sridhar Ramaswamy has an idea. “We’re heading toward an age of assistance where, for marketers, friction will mean failure, and mass messages will increasingly mean “move on.”” So what’s that mean for you?

Here’s how to future-proof your marketing plan for the future of marketing

1. Raise the bar on mobile

To delight and be useful, we need to deliver fast, relevant, assistive experiences. It’s important to lay the groundwork early with incredible mobile experiences.

2. Be smarter with data

A better understanding of consumers, coupled with smart automation, will enable personalization at scale. The ability to connect first-party data to media execution will be foundational to success.

3. Embrace omnichannel assistance

Leading brands will bridge online and offline, delivering seamless experiences throughout the consumer journey.

You can learn more about the future of marketing according to Sridhar Ramaswamy’s view.


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