You remember Digg was one of the Internet’s best news aggregators. It is where a percentage of my website traffic used to come from. Now, it is back and better.
According to, the news aggregator site is back under the joint ownership of its original founder, Kevin Rose, and Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian.
Digg’s history
It was launched on December 5, 2004 as an American news aggregator. Its front page was curated with the aim of select articles specifically for the Internet audience such as science, trending political issues, and viral Internet issues. allows people to vote user-generated and web content up or down. This act of voting was popularly called digging and burying, respectively. You dig up or you bury down. Digg’s popularity prompted the creation of similar sites such as Reddit.
In July 2012 Digg was sold in three parts to Betaworks, with LinkedIn and Wshington Post acquiring some of the assets (people and technology). In April 2018, Digg was purchased by BuySellAds, an advertising company. Now, in March 2025, both Kevin Rose along with Alexis Ohanian, acquired Digg and are relaunching it.
What’s New?
Digg’s resurgence is with a mandate to restore the spirit of discovery and genuine community. As proclaimed by the website, they are bringing back the front page of the Internet, but now with superpowers.
A new version of Digg is launching soon, precisely around March 8, 2025 or beyond. If you are reading this before that date, you can sign up for invites. Invites will be rolled out in the coming weeks. You need to do that right now because getting your own Digg username will be on “first come, first served” basis.
Before you go, watch the video below.