Next month February 2015, Mfonobong Nsehe, a contributor on Forbes will publish the 2015 ranking of the 30 Under 30: Africa’s Best Young Entrepreneurs. This is the third year of the ranking list. According to Mfonobong, the list is the most definitive guide to Africa’s entrepreneurial best – the youthful game changers and visionaries who are building the companies that will lead in the future. Nominations is now on as Mfonobong is looking to identify 30 of Africa’s brightest, most ambitious and unsung young entrepreneurial stars.

Forbes-30-Under-30To help compile the list, you will have to nominate entrepreneurs (aged 30 and under) who are making the most dramatic impact in Africa today in manufacturing, technology, real estate, media & entertainment, financial services, agriculture, fashion and the service industry. These entrepreneurs should be builders and leaders, innovators and risk takers.

UPDATE: You can read about the 30 Most Promising Young Entrepreneurs In Africa 2015

Nomination process

He/She must:

– Must be citizens of one of the 54 African Countries
– Their Business must be based in an African Country
– Must be Entrepreneurs who have built businesses that employ at least 4 people
– The Business should be generating revenues above $1 Million and be very profitable

Do you have a great African entreprneur to nominate? Get in touch with Mfonobong Nsehe on Twitter @MfonobongNsehe or Email mnsehe @ forbes [dot] com

The deadline for the nomination is on 31st January 2015

Source: Forbes


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