It’s no news that one of the smart ways to make money online is with Google AdSense. However, lots of people really suck at getting huge AdSense earnings daily or monthly. This is because they either know too little or know too much. Those who know too little never know and do what is really required to make a lot of money in AdSense. Those who know too much knows and tries all the possible ways they find to earn a lot from AdSense. However, neither of them really make a lot in AdSense earnings.

The story of this reader is that of someone who knows just enough on what to do, found what he should do and did what should be done. And the result is a $200+ AdSense earnings in a Day. The good thing is, what he did to earn that much still gets him good earnings from AdSense. What you should know is that he is just a regular reader just like you. What differentiate him from those struggling to earn a lot from AdSense is just knowing exactly what to do and when to do it. I’ll be showing you that in this article.

Before we get into the details. Please note that I have promised the reader not to reveal his identity. This is for security reasons as regards his AdSense account. I wouldn’t want this story to lead to the banning of his AdSense account. The reader is a Nigerian though. Also, as a disclaimer, what he did to get the $200+ AdSense in a day may or may never work for you. That’s because I don’t have the responsibility to make it work for you. You are responsible for your own result just as the reader was responsible for his own result. You may ask, why then am I writing this? That’s because it works and may work for you if you do what is really required.

There are several factors that influence your earnings with AdSense and there are ways to increase your AdSense CPC. Also, there are tips to improve your earnings with AdSense. However, there is no hard and fast rule to follow to increase your daily AdSense earnings.

If you’re asking, “How much will I earn with AdSense?” You should know that there’s no precise answer. That’s because your earnings will depend on a number of factors. Factors such as;

– The type of ads appearing on your blog pages
– The pricing of ads appearing on your pages

These are things you need to know how to control.


So, How Did the Reader Make $200+ AdSense earnings in a day?

1. Obviously, he reads the contents to learn the smart things he should do to make money online, build successful online businesses and create wealth legitimately 😉
2. He discovered a unique traffic source from what he read
3. He published a quality content on a trending topic/issue
4. He got loads of traffic beyond what he had ever got
5. He made a lot in AdSense in one day.

You see how simple and easy what he did? You too can. So, let me explain further.

Unique Traffic Source

I published a post about Apple News Publisher few days after the platform was launched. I wrote how anyone one can have their blog(s) added to the Apple News. I knew this was going to be a unique and huge traffic source considering the number of people who use an iPhone. The App is pre-installed on iPhones and with iOS 1O, the news on Apple News are easily accessible on the go. The reader found the article and did submit his blog to Apple News.

Quality Content on a Trending Topic

The reader simply published a quality content on his blog. The content is about Angelina Jolie and her husband, Brad Pitt. He did this when the news about Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s divorce was trending.

Loads of Traffic

His quality content was automatically picked up by Apple News. Lots of iPhone users living in the United States and the United Kingdom found his article, visited his site to read the trending content. He got close to 50,000 page views with just that article. They were not disappointed by his site’s load time because his website flaws has been eliminated by Apple News design. Also, I’m sure they found the content useful.

…and the result?

He made $200+ AdSense earnings in one day.

See the screenshot of the reader’s message to me.


Here’s a Google Analytics real-time screenshot during the huge visits to his blog

realtime traffic

…and the AdSense earnings on that day? See below

adsense earnings

You may be thinking, “Was he paid at the end of the month?”. YES, he was paid. Even though he was restless thinking AdSense won’t pay but he got paid. Not only that, he makes a lot of earning every month from his posts available on Apple News. According to him

Apple News really helped me. I use to struggle to make $100 before because of Nigeria’s traffic but with US and UK traffic, my RPM and CPC are always high


So far that the reader can do this, you too can. This is because (like I told him already), I just showed a traffic tip but he did all the work. I’m glad it worked for him. This is why I’m sure it will also work for some people reading this. These are people who are ready to do all the work that is required. Please note, this article is not to make you abuse your use of Apple News as a publisher. If you do, you will make it difficult for other Nigerian blogs to be approved into the Apple News Publisher platform. Even at that. Apple News may never work for you, so don’t bother abusing it.

Go ahead and increase your AdSense earnings legitimately and in the right way.


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