Do you run an affiliate site and you are looking for ways to generate massive traffic to the site? There are lots of ways to get this done. You will be discovering some of them which you can start using right away to generate traffic to affiliate sites. These are easy things you can do but you just need to do them consistently. If you are just starting out in affiliate marketing, you will want to make sure you read, understand and apply what I have here.

For the purpose of definition and also to get you in the know if you don’t know what an affiliate site is. An affiliate site is a website/blog where an affiliate marketer writes about and sells the products and services s/he is affiliated too. This blog is partly an affiliate site because I sometimes sell affiliate products. I also work at generating traffic to this blog so I could get more sales for the products I affiliate with.

There are four main ways to get more traffic to your affiliate site and attract more potential customers that would buy what you are marketing as an affiliate.

1. Paid Advertising

Using paid advertising helps a lot in getting targeted traffic to your affiliate sites. You can use Google Adwords, Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, etc to advertise your affiliate sites. This is most effective when your ad headline, call-to-action, and graphics are appealing and compels people to click through and buy what you advertised.

2. Free Advertising Sites

There are targeted free advertising sites that allows anyone to place links and banner ads for free on the site. You can search for them and advertise your affiliate site for free. The bad thing about this is that your ads may be deleted any time. Also, you don’t want to spam the sites with all your classified ads.

3. Content Marketing

To me, this is more productive. It is also a popular marketing method that offers several benefits. Content marketing helps you to build credibility as a reliable source in your niche. You gain higher search engine ranking and the number of people that visit your affiliate site. This is because you are giving out quality content that people find very useful. You just have to keep developing unique contents about the things you are selling on your affiliate sites.

4. E-mail Marketing

New visitors come to your site via paid advertising, free advertising and through content marketing. You need to give these visitors the opportunity to keep coming back for me. Every visitor to your site is valuable, so capturing their names and e-mail addresses so you can keep them updated is so important. Many of these visitors might not buy your affiliate products immediately. So, you need to set up an email marketing funnel that you can use to get them to buy later in the future. There are good email marketing tools you can use for this.

Go ahead and apply these for your affiliate sites and what your traffic and income grow. There are other ways to generate traffic to affiliate sites. Starting with the four listed here will help you understand how to do the others well. If you are just starting out in affiliate marketing, you should pay more attention to content marketing and email marketing.


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  1. Great blog, to be honest I stumbled across this blog by accident, but now that I am here I will send all my down lines and subscribers here so they can benefit not only from my help but insights from others outside my program

    Good job -keep it up!

    Ben Ajose

    1. Thanks Ben,

      I’m glad that you are now here.

      That’s so thoughtful of you. I’m sure your downlines and subscribers won’t be disappointed.


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