Do you have an online business? Be glad that further below, you would get to know what you need to do to make your small online business successful. One of the goals of this blog is to help people create successful online businesses. To keep fulfilling that goal, it is required we share with you effective information that will transform your small online business positively. In this post, you will learn what you need to know and do to make your online business more productive and effective.

STEP 1: Attract More Traffic to your Small Online Business Website/Blog

Consumers today have become highly adept at ignoring advertising in all its forms—they skip TV commercials, stream free online radio, block emails from unknown senders and are virtually blind to banner ads. Paid advertising alone is no longer a viable option for driving traffic to your website; you have to earn traffic by creating valuable content that attracts visitors. Content can mean many things to many people, but really it’s any valuable piece of information or entertainment that attracts leads to your site.

Once you have content in place, you want people to find it. Here are a few ideas to get you started;

– Get discovered with SEO (search engine optimisation
– Get Results with PPC (Paid advertising, or Pay-Per-Click) through Google AdWords and Facebook PPC Marketing.
– Get Social. Start a blog to talk about new products, industry news or company updates.
– Reward Twitter followers or customers who “Like” you on Facebook with exclusive offers and specials. And maintain your Business to Business (B2B) connections on LinkedIn. Be consistent and being real.

STEP 2: Effectively Capture the Leads you Generate from the Traffic

Now that you’re attracting people to your website with the lure of valuable content, you need to entice them to give you their contact information so you can nurture them over time. Web forms are an excellent way to capture leads. You can either use a free means to capture your leads or you use paid means to capture your leads. My advice is, you invest in a paid means that will give you rest of minds and total management of your leads. GetRespone gives you this.

STEP 3: Nurture Leads into Prospects

The truth is, most buyers don’t see an ad and immediately purchase your product. They buy when they are ready to buy. To reach these buyers, you need a systematic approach for developing trust and converting leads. The not-so-secret weakness of small online business is that they don’t follow up with leads as well as they should. But consistent, valuable follow-up messages can prove to be a huge competitive edge, as long as you approach the nurturing process with a clear communications plan in mind.

STEP 4: Convert Prospects into Sales

You can attract, capture and nurture all the leads you’d like, but if they don’t convert into paying customers, you’re not going to make any money.

At this point, we are left with the last three steps which are Deliver quality and satisfy quantity, Upsell to your customers and Get more referrals for your small online business. To get to know the last three steps and also more information about the first four steps that had been discussed in brief earlier, please download The Small Business Marketing Guide by Infusionsoft. After you do, make sure you take the time to read through the guide and apply what you read.


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  1. Hey Adesoji,

    thanks for boiling down for us how the process of making money online goes.


    1. I’m glad you appreciate this. Enjoy

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