Promoting recurring affiliate programs is not too easy, but it’s not too hard either. There are some basic differences between selling products as a once off, and obtaining customers that are willing to pay repeatedly. In order to have the leverage so you can convince the visitor to take action, you will have to go the extra mile. You will have to do more, but you must also keep in mind that the rewards are much more – so it’s well worth it!

Here are two effective tips on promoting recurring affiliate programs

1. Ideally, you will have to become a consumer yourself. Once you become a consumer of the product, service or membership you want to sell, a few things happen: Firstly, as a consumer, you have the authority to speak from experience. Having used the service or product yourself, you are in a trustworthy position to relay your knowledge and experience to other prospective consumers. If you consume whatever you are selling yourself, your prospective customers will be much more likely to take your word when you describe the benefits you have experienced.

You will be able to get detailed knowledge of the product or service. In time, your knowledge will enable you to define different centers of value that you can use in your marketing efforts. You will be able to pinpoint features and benefits that are not commonly known and use that to give the customer a different perspective, or a better perspective on what you are offering. You will also be able to communicate new additions and features to those people on your list that have not signed up yet. You will be able to use these new improvements and additions as leverage to get more people to sign up, as well as using it as an excuse to mail your list.

2. Have a list – yes, well, OK…This phrase is probably coming out of your ears by now. Unfortunately, it’s still the most efficient way of turning visitors into customers. Look at it from the consumer’s point of view:

a. You want the consumer to spend money – a reasonable amount of money.
b. The consumer has reservations or fears.
c. In order to overcome these reservations, you need to build trust.
d. In order to build trust, you need to build a relationship.
e. In order to build a relationship, you need a means of regular communication.
f. At this point in time, the only way of communicating with prospects without any interferences or distractions is by sending a private message or an e-mail.

Getting people to buy Recurring Affiliate Programs from YOU

You always need to have a reason why people should buy from you. Simply offering the service or product or membership is not enough by itself, because frankly, the visitor can access it in a number of other different places. You have to have some form of leverage to get the prospect to take immediate action and buy through your affiliate link. At the end of the day, it comes back to human nature – What’s In It For Me…

If you want the prospect to buy the service or product through you, you simply have to give a reason why it would be better to do so. Always remember that most choices in life are made by applying emotion. Afterward, the decision can be justified by the application of logic. The logic, however, is merely an afterthought because the decision was already made,
based on emotion.

Make sure you ONLY promote recurring affiliate programs which you have a first-hand testimony about. And remember to build separate lists (email leads) for the different types of affiliate marketing programs you have an affiliation with. Also, work on getting people to buy recurring affiliate programs through you and not buying through someone else.


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1 Comment

  1. I love that number one tips where you said “as a consumer you have the authority to speak from experience”.

    This is very true because telling your customers what the product is all about will be more convincing, that is if you have already used the product before. And this is what many affiliate marketer don’t do. Which is very bad.

    Your number two point where you mentioned “creating a list”. Well, that is the next step after you might have used the product to be sold. Even though creating a huge list is not easy, but for you to make some sales, you have to do it.

    Thanks for this.

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