I’m not quite 30 yet, but I’m more than familiar with the notion that this age is the new benchmark for people to get their lives together. There are books, blogs and Twitter accounts dedicated solely to helping people cross that line in the best shape for their future.

Here are the money lies you should stop telling yourself by age 30.

1. So long as my job pays well, it’s OK if I hate it.

The job market may not be what it used to be, but by age 30 no one should be toiling away at a job that leaves them stressed out and dissatisfied with life.

2. If I turn a blind eye, somehow my finances will figure themselves out.

If you’re broke, you might as well know it and own it. It’s the only way you’ll ever truly be able to do something about it.

3. I should get married because it’s the ‘next step.’

Why kick off your lifetime union with a massive pile of debt that will only cause stress and inevitable arguments down the line? If you’re truly in love, chances are The One will still be around by the time you’re both financially fit to face those bills together.

4. Banks and bill collectors will get their way no matter what I do.

At some time (and for a lot of you, many times), life eventually will get in the way and you’ll find yourself on the wrong side of your bank or, worse, a bill collector.

5. I should buy a home because that’s what grown-ups do.

6. If I start dipping into my savings now, I’ll have plenty of time to make up for it later.

7. I’m too inexperienced to start investing.

8. I’m a failure because I’m not getting paid as much as other people my age.

9. I can still afford to eat like I’m 16.

10. I can still pull off the outfits I wore in college.

11. If I get approved for new credit, obviously I can handle it.

12. I should have kids now because I want them.

“There is nothing more destructive to one’s financial future than bringing children into the world without having an established and stable means to support them,” writes finance blogger Len Penzo.

13. I’m pretty much invincible.

In my opinion, it takes a lot more than a healthy bank account and nice skin to live a full and happy life, whether you’re 29 or 59. Most of us know how to succeed, we just happen to let ourselves –– and a few convenient lies –– get in the way.

The 13 Money Lies You Should Stop Telling Yourself by Age 30 is originally written by Mandi Woodruff for Business Insider.

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