Have you ever considered why you are here on earth? Amidst so many things lies the truth that you are here as a Martyr. What do I mean by the word “Martyr”? Martyr means someone who makes great sacrifices or suffers much in order to further a belief, cause, or principle. In simple terms, you are here on earth to do things out of a sense of duty. You have duties to fulfill whether as a son/daughter, brother/sister, uncle/aunt, father/mother, boss/employee, leader/follower etc. I once wrote a post titled “How to Be Good to the Last Drop”. You can read it also because it’s going to help you greatly.

In whatever capacity you find yourself, you are to do things out of a sense of duty. This is because, a time will come when you would need to give account for all that you have been doing. Consider this, if what you have been doing for the past 30 days is weighed by a measure, what do you think you would weigh with respect to your duty (job/work) description? Whatever your answer to this is, you should do your best to weigh higher.

You should know that you are not meant to be a martyr because of what people would say. You should be a martyr because of what you are sent here to do. The truth is, when it comes to judgment day, nobody cares about you. This is because everyone would be minding their own business and also looking for a way to score higher. So it’s your choice to live out of a sense of duty or you keep doing things they way you like. The end would determine whether you are a success or a failure.

At this point, I need to let you know that you are required to do things with joy. From the moment you wake up in the morning to the time you go to bed in the night, let joy be your driving force. The truth is, joy is not easy to come by. This is because joy is not dependent on what happens to you. Joy is dependent of what you stand to gain after all things has been done.

So, I will ask you, what do you stand to gain after you complete what you are doing? Let that be the controller of your joy. It was said of Jesus that He endured the cross because of the joy that was set before Him. It’s time to endure your cross. It’s time to endure your pain. It’s time to always live with a martyr attitude.


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