Email marketing is an important strategy to execute if you really want to increase conversions for what you are selling on your blog. However, many do not know how to really execute their email marketing strategy to get the conversions they really desire. As it is our custom to show people what needs to be done to make real money online< , it is important for us to let you know what to do to increase conversions with email marketing.

You can make the most of the visitors to your site by doing what works to increase conversions. Apart from doing all the work to get recurring traffic to your site via different traffic generation means, you should also know what to do to retain visitors. This is what you will be learning in this article. Your site’s visitors are the potential readers who you will be converting their visits into retention and then into sales. To do this, your email marketing needs to be optimised for conversions.


Optimizing your Email Marketing Strategy to Increase Conversions

I assume that you already have an email marketing list/newsletter up and running. If you don’t, but you would like to first learn more about email marketing, you can do so with the email marketing topics. If you do, here are the thing you should do to increase your conversion with email marketing.

1. Position your email opt-in box(es) wisely

Where do you place your email opt-in box(es)? If your blog visitors don’t see it (first), you are missing out on a huge potential for possible conversions. The best possible positions for your opt-in boxes is on a squeeze page, a landing page, and beside or below your blog content. It’s best to do let the opt-in boxes display without a pop-up. However, if you do use a pop-up opt-in, configure it in such a way that it appears only when a new visitor first loads your blog (or within a certain number of days).

2. Include an incentive

Your site visitors won’t opt-in to join your email list if you don’t have anything that will entice them to join. Ask yourself, “why should they sign up?” People want something valuable and you need to convince them you have it. The best way of convincing visitors to sign up is to offer an incentive. This is usually in the form of a free report or something you know will catch their attention. The words you use on the opt-in should also be inviting and friendly. Make it clear how they will benefit by signing up.

Now that you start getting your site visitors to join your email list, you still need to do one thing that will make them stay. Please note, majority of email subscribers decides when to leave or continue receiving your newsletters. However, you could influence their staying length by doing the next smart way.

3. Provide value to your subscribers

Don’t just promise something as an incentive and then refuse to deliver. Your subscribers want quality information and that’s what you’ve got to deliver! I know you want to increase sales after increasing your conversions. But don’t make your email newsletter to be filled with promotions. Make sure you give them content that benefits them. The more you give, the more you are useful to your target market, and the more they will trust you, which is the ultimate path to increase conversions.


Increasing conversions is not a one-day thing. It is something you need to continually pay attention to. The 3 smart ways you have learned in this article are pre-requisites. There are still more things to be done to benefit more from your email marketing strategy. You can find more things to do under the email marketing topics.


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