If you have been blogging for a while, you will realize that blogging is not just enough. There are things you need to do consistently to improve on your blogging. Today, I’ll be showing you few good things you can start doing on your blog today so that you can improve on your blogging and get better results from your blog. If you don’t do this, no one will do it for you. If you want to improve, you need to do what you’ll find in this post.


What to Do to Improve on Your Blogging

1. Posting Frequency

To be competitive in your niche, you need to start posting on your blog at least three times per week. An editorial calendar will help you face this challenge. Make a plan and set a reminder for the days you need to post and do it consistently. Posting often is very important for search engines and also for the people who are following your blog.

Posting every day gets you into Google News and makes search engine crawlers index your articles faster. And, immediately after you finish publishing, the first thing you need to do is make the search engines aware of a fresh item of content on your website. It’s good to use tools to PING your content.

2. Setup a feed or sitemap for your blog

Having a site feed will help search engines stay up to date with your content and ensures that they find the links in your site, that you want potential customers to find. By using RSS feeds, readers can gain access more easily to your updates related to news subjects that are of interest to them. When readers subscribe to your feed, they will obtain fresh and suitable content, such as news articles, educational articles, etc., which include links to your complete articles. Users can acquire your feed to their feed reader on all devices by clicking on the RSS icon or link.

3. Optimize articles for search

Optimizing your articles to be found better by the people who search online, ensures that your content will end up being read. That’s why you wrote it in the first place, right? You need to get creative about optimizing for both humans and search engines. On average, optimized articles get at least +285% traffic, than the ones that are not optimized.

Optimizing your content for a keyword or keyphrase is important for both humans and search engines because it sends a clear idea on what your article is about. Your readers will find out what they’re interested in much easier, and search engines will start recognizing you as an authority in that area.

Before you write the article it is important to choose a keyword which would be sought by potential readers or customers (maybe a trend) and to verify if there are chances for you to get ahead of the competition for that keyword. You need to understand that Search Engines are computers that verify every site using algorithms that follow the paths to the site’s teaching. If the article doesn’t present clear SEO information, then there is a risk that the idea of the article won’t be understood, and there is no way it will be visible on Search Engines in order to be seen by potential clients.

In summary, increase your posting frequency, make sure what you post is useful content that your feed readers can access and make sure that you post will be loved by people and search engines. If you do this consistently, you will improve on your blogging and get better results.


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  1. Wow, this is a great post on how I can improve my blogging. Indeed, the importance of optimizing your blog post for search engines cannot be overstated. It not only increase the amount of people that get to see the post, it also increase traffic!
    Other points are equally important.
    Thanks for sharing…I appreciate.

    1. Thanks for your addition, Mary.

  2. Hey Boss,
    I must say these are really sure tips that will help improve your blogging especially optimizing articles for research and i must add optimizing images too because i got over 1000 visitors on my blog from an optimized imaged. It is also necessary to have a sitemap to enable visitors to grab your contents easily.

    Thanks for sharing and have a great week ahead.

    1. Hi Bob,

      True, it’s good to use captivating images and also optimize them for search engines.

      Great week for you too

  3. I believe the part of post frequency. I used to post less before but when i started posting more frequently, things started turning out well. Thanks for this post

  4. I totally believe in posting consistencely because it work like charm but posting a quality articles must also be put into consideration

    1. Consistent quality articles works best

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