Out of the many ways through which one can generate traffic to one’s site, good products and good marketing play a vital role. Some internet marketers depend on their good products to sell themselves while others depend on good marketing to sell their products well. The truth is, good marketing is most effective when paired with good content and good products. In the absence of those things, good marketing is simply a cheap trick that can only work for so long. In today’s post, we will review ways to improve your traffic by improving your business.

Ask your Customers for Feedback

If you are selling products regularly and/or have a consistent stream of traffic, then you should begin asking your customers and visitors for feedback. You might do it through a poll on your site. You might do it by asking for email feedback in prominent places on the site. Or you might do it by offering your newsletter subscribers to respond to a questionnaire (in exchange for some monetary or product incentive).

Soliciting, collecting, organizing, and analyzing this feedback is a key component of any good business. If you are not currently doing it, you should begin doing it, so that you can learn how to improve your products and your site.

Fix Major Problems

Once you have received feedback, the next step is to get to work. You now know the flaws of your site and your products, and it is time to get to work fixing them. Allowing the customers to download a new copy of the product (be it an ebook or piece of software) could go a long way in persuading them that you actually care about them and about the quality of your work.

Continuously Fix Minor Problems

When it comes to many products (and, in particular, software and ebooks that contain rapidly changing information), continuously update your product to include newer information and bug fixes. Customers will appreciate this; and will reward you by purchasing future products without any hesitation even if the difference is not that much.

Add Features

One final way through which you can improve your business is to consistently add new features to your site and old products. For instance, you might release an abbreviated action guide or a workbook to accompany one of your major ebooks. Give this away for free to your customers and they will remember you.

What’s your opinion about Good Products vs Good Marketing in traffic generation? Your response is required. Feel free to write out your opinions on whether good products is better than good marketing or vice versa.


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