You should do these business tips if you are considering building a successful brand. I’m working on it myself. The truth is, a brand is using these tips and they are making billions of dollars doing so. You will find out about the brand later.

– Find a problem or what people need
– Generate quality ideas to solve the problem that you are passionate about solving
– Give your Idea an easy name and definition that people can easily identify with and remember
– Get resources to improve yourself and your idea. Invest enough time and money to do this. You will be glad!
– Create unique solutions from the idea
– Create a list of potential customers for your solution. These are people who have the problem/need you discovered in the first place
– Get potential customers to help you test the solution(s)
– Improve on the solution(s), deploy, market and sell hard
– Create a brand out of your idea and solution
– Let people & customers criticize your solution(s)
– Get feedback from your customers
– Upgrade the version of your solution(s) based on your customers feedback and criticism
– Give your previous customers a trial version of your upgraded solution(s) & let them become affiliates through word of mouth
– Multiply your reach. Sell more. Expand
– Seek for Venture Capitalists to invest in your solution(s) not advertisers
– You will need to relocate so you can get more fresh customers
– Subdue that location and relocate.
– Keep improving on your solution
– Keep subduing your location
– Keep spreading & multiplying

Have a great year ahead of you


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  1. Gudmorning, my name is dorathy. I’m doin a program on interior design and decoration and I want to go into interior design ( tittling floors) after the program cos there is lots of money involved. Pls advice me on wat to do. Pls I really need ur help. Thanks. Will be grateful if I hear frm u.

    1. Hi Dorathy, I had already sent you an email.

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