The fact that consumers can now get exactly what they want when they want it – instantly and effortlessly has created a new breed of consumer behaviors. These consumers are empowered by mobile, as a result, they are more curious and demanding than ever before. This is why it is important that a brand needs to know how to effectively reach and satisfy these new breeds of consumers. Knowing and implementing these helps the brand to rethink its marketing strategies and then grow better.


Insights into the 3 emerging consumer behaviors

1. The Curious Consumer: Informed Decision Maker

According to Think With Google, people have become research-obsessed, even about the small stuff. Today, people are researching more than ever before making a buying decision. So each decision — be it big or small — is an informed one. For brands, this means answering a majority of the questions the curious consumer may have.


“Mobile is unlocking consumer control, empowerment, and choice to an extent we have never seen before, driving a hyper-segmentation revolution. As we move from mass marketing to massive customization — from focusing on averages to individuals — I believe that in the future we will build brands in segments of one”. – Keith Weed, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, Unilever


2. The Demanding Consumer: Expects Personalized Experiences

These type of consumers expect every digital experience to be directed at them individually. They seek personalized experience in their purchases. They expect brands to know and understand their purchase intent. However, this is difficult on the part of a brand offering a more generalized experience for its many consumers. People want the most relevant and personalized experience in any situation. Brands therefore need to be able to provide the demanding consumer with the right experience whenever it is needed.


3. The Impatient Consumer: Expects Personalized Experiences

These types of consumers are fast decision makers due to their lack of patience. They expect things in the spur of the moment. Due to this, they require help in those decision-making moments. This can be challenging for brands in the sense that they need to be able to keep pace with these impatient consumers.


“Customers today are impatient, and their standards are unforgiving. Increasingly, consumers expect brands to intuitively know what they need when they need it and deliver it instantly. Tackling those challenges has meant rethinking the way our business operates.” – Dennis Maloney, Chief Digital Officer Domino’s

This new breed of consumer behaviors will change the way brands relate with their customers. Only the brands that are innovative and change or upgrade their approach to consumers will benefit from these emerging behaviors for the segment of one. Providing the needed information, personalizing consumer experiences and keeping pace with consumer changes can generate significant sales bump for brands that make the best use of this. Developing individualized strategies for identifying, connecting and creating deep relationships with the new breed of consumers is the way to go.

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