Have you done what is necessary to block malicious attempts to access your hosting account? One thing you should take very important is your site’s security, most especially if you run a successful online business on your site. Many sites get wiped away from the internet simply because the owner or the web admin didn’t protect the site’s hosting account to wade off any unauthorized attempts. This is something you have to do and monitor. However, this may be a big task for you but if you follow what is stated here, you’ll be in a good position to block malicious attempts to your hosting accounts.

Here are the precautions you should do to block malicious attempts.

1. Always scan your PC for viruses and malware. I recommend you use the anti-virus programs with free editions available for most operating systems.
2. Make sure that you use strong, hard-to-guess passwords on your account and applications.
3. Do not use the same password for different applications. To remember more difficult passwords, I recommend you use the password managers such as LastPass or RoboForm.
4. Update all third-party scripts in your hosting account to the latest versions (e.g. Joomla, WordPress, Magento or any other CMS).
5. Remove every script, gadget, feature, function, and a code snippet that has poor security vulnerability report.
6. Enable CloudFlare in your hosting account cPanel. It is designed to provide protection from many forms of malicious activity.
7. Always check for suspicious IP addresses. If you identify any suspicious IP address, use .htaccess or cPanel to deny any IP to block the hacker’s HTTP access to your site.
8. Change and update your cPanel/FTP passwords from time to time.
9. Make sure you don’t log into your hosting accounts from a publicly used PC.

Most importantly, if you use a good hosting provider like Namecheap, you will get an automated alert about the malicious attempt. Also, Namecheap’s security systems will automatically block the upload of malicious files to your hosting account and put them in the quarantine.

Make sure you always keep your hosting account safe. Do what you can to always prevent malicious attempt to your hosting account. This is safer than waiting for your site’s vulnerability to be used against you.


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