The essence of your existence is to achieve one thing or the other. This is simply to tell you that you are going to be accountable for all that happens in your life and what you make happen for others. If I were to weigh what you have achieved so far on a scale of ten, where will you be? 4, 6 or 8 or even 10? What do you think you would get? You need to know what it takes to be an achiever.

In this post, I would show you 7 things you need to become an achiever. It is more in acting what you read than just reading. If you know that you won’t do anything about what you would read below, please don’t waste your time. You can close this post and find something more useless to do.

To become an achiever, you need to demonstrate;

1. Ownership.

Wherever you are and whatever you do. You must always demonstrate a sense of ownership not just in thoughts but also in deeds. Let people know you with what you are doing. To demonstrate ownership means that you demonstrate a strong sense of belonging, prudence and effective utilization of resources available to you.

To help you further, I need to ask, what do people know you for? It is in what people know you for that you can become an achiever in.

2. Commitment.

Commitment is the price for achievement. You can’t achieve whatever you are not committed to. To be committed means that you have passion for accomplishing set goals and visions.

3. Expertise.

Show me an true expert and I would show you someone who has dedicated over 10, 000 hours or over 10 years to what he has become an expert in. To be an expert means that you demonstrate superior skills to counterparts. It also means you pay attention to details.

An expert at something is someone who is highly skillful, informed and experienced. To become an achiever, you need to work way your way to the level of an expert.

4. Achievement.

An achiever has achievements. You can’t say you are an achiever when you have no achievements to show. What are your achievements so far in what you do?

You need to have a track record of consistent accomplishment of tasks and targets. To help you further, you need an apathy for excuses. Excuses are triggers that you can no achieve what you give excuse about. Also, you need to have low tolerance for underachievement. To crown it all, you must have a can-do and will-do approach to things.

5. Networking.

The truth is you can’t become an achiever alone. You might know everything and be good at everything but if you don’t have the right people around you, you have nothing to achieve. You are nothing without others. It is very true that a tree cannot make a forest. If you are solo, your achievement will make no impact.

You must posses the ability to build strong relationship with people in your locality and those far away from you. That is the leverage you need to make things work effectively. Seek people consent about things. That would give you a better approach to achieve more.

You need a team of friends and people to achieve more. Team is simply defined, together everyone achieves more.

6. Initiative.

Be proactive. Have a consistent suggestion of new things to do and implement them. Always generate innovative ideas for improvement. Nothing or no one is ever a finished product, you can innovate on what is existing at the moment. Imagine great things that can be accomplished. Think about new approach to existing process.

Always take the initiative!

7. Charisma.

You need charisma to totally package your achievements. No one cares about what you achieve until they know how much you care about them. You can’t be a great achiever if you lack people skills. You can’t extend your reach of achievements without having a great charisma.

Demonstrate warmth and friendliness to the people around you. Demonstrate strong team spirit. Demonstrate the ability to make new friends easily.

All the above are practical steps you need to practice everyday. It is what happens in my life everyday except if I choose not to be an achiever in some of the things I do.

Go ahead and act likewise.


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