The 5th Africa Water Week themed “Placing Water at the Heart of the Post 2015 Development” will be held in Dakar Senegal from 26th May to 31st May, 2014. This is convened by African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) in conjunction with the African Union Commission and organized with other development partners. Also the 9th AMCOW General Assembly will be held during the water week. Africa Water Week is the biggest platform for raising awareness about water and sanitation issues in Africa. The event attracts over 1000 participants from Africa and beyond, including Ministers and Ministers representatives responsible for water affairs in Africa; development partners; civil society; the youth; the research and academia; and the media.

Africa-Water-WeekThe Africa Water Week (aww) represents a political commitment at the highest level with over 1000 participants from governments, regional institutions, international partners, the private sector, the scientific community, civil society, and the media from all over the world, and in particular Africa, meeting to discuss and collectively seek solutions to Africa’s water resources, and sanitation challenges. It is now held biennially in keeping with the decision of the AMCOW to institutionalize AWW in order to build momentum on achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) water and sanitation targets by 2015, and the 2025 Africa Water Vision as well as crystallizing the way to go beyond 2015.

5th Africa Water Week Sub themes

– Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
– Water Resources Management for Sustainable Development
– Wastewater Management and Water Quality
– Water and Disaster Risk Management


– President Macky Sall of Senegal
– President Sirleaf Johnson of Liberia
– Hon. Sarah Reng Ochekpe (Nigeria) – AMCOW Interim President
– Hon Pape Diouf, Host Minister (Senegal) – AMCOW Incoming President
– Hon. Bai Mass Taal AMCOW Executive Secretary

To register for the 5th Africa Water Week, please go and register to participate. Online registration ends on 20th May, 2014. For more information, you can go to Africa Water Week official site


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