One of the easiest and fastest ways to make money online is to start off with affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is when you promote someones else’s product and you earn a commission every time someone buys through your affiliate link. To be successful in affiliate marketing, you need to have these five (5) things in place.


1. A Good Product to Promote

You can sign up for affiliate programs, pretty much all major companies have some sort of affiliate program that you can sign up for. Don’t just pick the first thing that you see, do some research on the product to see if people are buying. A good product is the type of product will continue to buy. A good product is a product that can sell itself. Look for these types of products in whatever niche you are in.


2. A Good Domain Name, and Hosting.

You can use free blogs like blogger but there is always a possibility of your blog getting shut down without warning. So you want to have your own domain and web hosting. You need to have a blog or a website. This is where you send your traffic that you generate so they can see your affiliate offer. This website can either be dedicated to one product or it can be a review style blog with multiple products. Your website is where you sell the people on the product, you want to highlight all of the advantages of the product, you want to make them buy.


3. An Autoresponder

This is used to capture the address of visitors who come to your website or squeeze page. This helps to build your list. Once you capture their address, you want to build a good relationship with that list, so that you are able to market to them over and over again.


4. A Squeeze Page or Capture Page

This is where you put your “ethical bribe” which is typically a free offer that you give to people in exchange for their email address. You want to succeed in affiliate marketing, you MUST have a squeeze page or a lead capture page. If you don’t know how to build one, consider hiring the services of those who can help you. This is very essential.


5. Social Networks

I know it sounds strange, but social networks are a very valuable resource for affiliate marketers. For example, when using social networks like Facebook, you can create your own Fanpage or group or use someone else’s. Marketing your product to a group in the same niche is very powerful and you can yield some great commissions from this technique. Market effectively but don’t spam social sites with your adverts. People will quickly lose interest.

Using these five secrets should ensure your success in affiliate marketing. Although I left out traffic as one of the key elements, this is also very important for your success as an affiliate marketer. You need mass traffic to be able to succeed in affiliate marketing. Do all the good you can to get traffic to your site. Much more, work on getting organic traffic (traffic from search engines).


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  1. nice article

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