
World Water Day 2019: Leaving No One Behind

It’s another year and another United Nation’s World Water Day is upon us. This time, the theme is “Leaving No One Behind“. This is in response to the promise the world made in 2015. A promise of water for all by 2030 specified in the Sustainable Development Goals and Targets. Up till the moment of writing this, billions of people are being left behind without safely managed drinking water.

world water day 2019

According to the World Health Organization (WHO). A “safely managed drinking water” is defined as the use of an improved drinking water source which is located on premises, available when needed, and free of faecal and priority chemical contamination. In addition, there are other drinking water service label as follows

  • Basic: Improved source within 30 minutes round trip collection time
  • Limited: Improved source over 30 minutes round trip collection time
  • Unimproved: Unimproved source that does not protect against contamination
  • No service: Surface water

Majority of the world depend on the basic, limited, unimproved and no service drinking water service level. This needs to change and improve. Whoever you are, wherever you are, water is your human right. But the world is not an equal place. Women, children, refugees, indigenous peoples, and many other groups are often overlooked and discriminated against as they try to access and manage the safe water they need.


Why World Water Day 2019?


leaving no one behind
This year’s theme for World Water Day, ‘Leaving no one behind’, adapts the central promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that as sustainable development progresses, everyone must benefit. Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6) is to ensure availability and sustainable management of water for all by 2030. By definition, this means leaving no one behind. Together with access to sanitation, safe water underpins public health and is therefore critical to sustainable development and a stable and prosperous world. We cannot move forward as a global society while so many people are living without safe water. This World Water Day, 22nd March, is about tackling the water crisis and addressing the reasons why so many people are being left behind.


What Can You Do?

You can do three things. These are.

1. Learn more about the issue

Get familiar with the issues – why are people being left behind without safe water and what can be done to reach them? Explore this year’s theme and browse our collection of stories to find out more.

2. Spread the word about the issue

Engage your friends and contacts with information and stories about the reality of the water crisis and how it affects every aspect of society. Use the World Water Day 2019 resources to start a conversation and inspire action.

3. Act on the issue

Gather people together to share ideas and make them grow. Hold or attend an event to make personal connections that could make a difference to people living without safe water. Use the map to see where a World Water Day event is taking place near you and find out how you could hold an event yourself.

All credits to UN-Water

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