For my birthday in 2014, I started a campaign on Charity: Water which I wrote about on My Birthday Dream. I asked for at least six dollars ($6) each from everyone I know. The aim was to raise money which will directly fund clean water projects in Ethiopia. Though, I was not looking forward to raise all the funds needed but I believe I could raise a few which will be used as part of the funds for water projects in Ethiopia.

I got an update from Charity: Water about the funded projects. This is in line with charity: water’s promise to show us exactly which projects we funded once they’ve been fully completed (which takes about 21 months). The money raised was sent to Ethiopia and work is underway. Because of this generosity, people in Ethiopia will soon have clean water to drink. Ethiopia is one of the most populous countries in Africa – more than 94 million people live there. It’s also one of the poorest. About 58% of the population doesn’t have access to clean water, and that rate is even higher in the rural areas where the water projects is to be carried out.



Charity: water’s local partner – The Relief Society of Tigray (REST) is busy working on 95 new and 13 rehabilitated drilled wells, 52 new and 15 rehabilitated hand-dug wells, and 36 new and 5 rehabilitated spring protections. (Please note: my birthday campaign raised $140 out of a goal of $5,000). REST will also be focusing on bringing clean water, sanitation and hygiene training to three health centers and one school. Specifically, they’ll be working on piped water systems.

In the Winter of 2016, when the projects are complete, charity: water will collect GPS coordinates, photos and other details about each community to show me the impact my donation made in Ethiopia. I’m glad to be part of water project carried out by charity: water in Ethiopia.


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