As we get closer to the end of the ‘work-week’, it would be great to know what the top stories are about technology. Technology has become part of our lives and it is a good thing to keep informed. This is so that we can have a knowledge of what is going on in our world.

I would not be able to list all the top stories but I can point you to some reliable sources who have already done a better job in publishing the top stories about technology during this week.

TechCrunch (TC)

TC is an online website that delivers top-notch reporting on the business of the technology industry. This site has always been my ‘go-to’ for technology news as far back as 2008. The American online newspaper which focuses on high-tech and startup companies was launched in 2005 but acquired by AOL in 2010.

Visit TechCrunch.


Wired Magazine has also been in the game of technology reporting since as far back as 1993. However, I got to know the site at the same time as I did with TechCrunch. Wired publishes content that focuses on emerging technologies that shape culture, economy, and politics.

Visit Wired.

You can bookmark these sites in order to stay informed about the latest technology news and developments.

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