SHAPE Africa is an annual regional meeting of Global Shapers from the continent of Africa. It serves as forum for change makers to discuss and proffer practical solutions to some of the continent’s most pressing challenges. The Global Shapers Abuja Hub welcomes you to a two day meeting bringing together innovators and change makers from all over the continent.

The objectives of SHAPE Africa.

– It serves as forum for change makers to discuss and proffer practical solutions.
– Spur stronger relationships amongst several different stakeholders.
– Engage Shapers in catalytic partnerships with fresh ideas critical to the development in Africa.
– Unite hubs across the region with stakeholders for additional expertise, support, investment and partnerships opportunities.
– Inspire and motivate Shapers to think and do more to change our world.

There is a call of duty upon every generation, to act or react, to change or challenge, to create or recreate either way that call must be answered. It determines whether that generation succeeds or fails and ultimately if it will be remembered or rapidly forgotten. It is upon this premise, that a generation incessantly imagines a world better than the one they met. It is this constant battle between the known and unknown world that forces a looming restlessness upon a nation’s youth.

In Africa, a generation has witnessed the constant degeneration of its world from cyclical wars to gross inequality, from depraved leadership to inept education but the music must change! Some will argue that it has changed, the Africa rising mantra has dominated recent news on the continent and a hopeful continent has emerged. Regardless of the noise, the call remains an immutable fact and this generation must answer.

To break out of the mold and rid ourselves of the hangover of past and present crises a BOLD manner of thinking is required. At the 2nd annual SHAPE Africa in Abuja (the first was in Capetown, South Africa), we seek to change the thinking that got us into this quagmire in order to change the results that ensure we don’t just survive but thrive in the world of tomorrow.

Beyond a talk shop, SHAPE Africa 2014 will rally the continent’s brightest minds to proffer innovative and sustainable solutions to core areas such as Educa tion, Entrepreneurship, Technology and Agriculture. Above all, lets take that BOLD step as we unite in May 2014.

Dates: 5th – 6th May 2014

5th May 2014
8:00 – 15:00: Welcome and Afternoon Session
15:00 – 18:00: Breakout Sessions
19:30 – 22:00: Dinner and welcome party

6th May 2014
08:00 – 10:30: Morning Session
10:45 -15:00: Learning Journey and Lunch
15:30 – 18:00: Afternoon Session
19:30: Dinner & Gala Night

Note that you are responsible for own flights, accommodation and incidentals to attend SHAPE Africa.
Detailed programme will be made available upon arrival.

To register for SHape Africa 2014, please start your registration here. For more information about Shape Africa 2014, please read the frequently asked questions.


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