
Nigeria’s Continuous Voter Registration (CVR) from 2021

According to INEC, the PVC (Permanent Voters Card) is a smart card based on voters’ identity with voter’s information such as bio-data, bio-metric and facial image. The card technology provides adequate security features to reduce vulnerability to counterfeiting and shall be used for the identification and authentication of voters during elections in Nigeria. However, a new technology called Continuous Voter Registration (CVR) will be used in preparation for the new election in 2023

Updated: 7th July 2021


How to Register for Nigeria’s PVC

This time, you will need to register for a Continuous Voters Registration (CVR). This is possible for all Nigerians that are 18 years old and above. The registration (online) commenced on June 38, 2021 while registration at an INEC office in your state or local government commences from July 19, 2021. If you have not registered, you can do that right now via

Requirements for registration

  • Your picture
  • Other documents (details can be found on the websites)
  • Making an appointment to visit the INEC’s state or ocal government area

Registration Area Centres Nationwide

You can check the INEC registration areas for your state by going to


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