Everyone is categorized under five main personality traits. However, people have been found to have more than one of these personality traits. Even at this, one of the personality traits often remains dominant.

The five main personality traits are Emotional Stability, Extraversion, Conscientiousness, Friendliness, and Openness. These are often professionally referred to as the Big Five. All of these traits affect the way people deal with or respond to others. However, the response depends on the situation at hand or the people involved.

Brief Explanation of the Five Main Personality Traits

1. Emotional Stability

This is the extent to which a person is sensitive to stimuli in the environment and the person’s need to have certainty and stability. It’s two extremes are either you are sensitive and empathetic or you are calm and stable.

For example, a person who is generally calm or stable is known to be cool-headed; is not easily stressed; is not very easily annoyed or insulted; is less sensitive to what others think of him/her/them; is relatively not troubled by shame or anger; is not easily discouraged; appears to be somewhat controlled and satisfied; is sometimes indifferent and cold-blooded; and, sometimes find it more difficult to deal with people who are nervous or whiny.

2. Extraversion

This pertains to a person’s need for social stimuli. It is the extent to which a person goes looking for action or tend to avoid disturbances. It’s two extremes are either you are introverted or you are spontaneous and enthusiastic.

For example, a person who is generally spontaneous or enthusiastic is known to like to have a good time now and then; feels relatively comfortable with others; is communicative; do not always enjoy being alone; can be very energetic; is sometimes quickly bored with not enough external stimuli; looks for social adventure; finds it relatively easy to talk with other people or take the lead; can be extremely open and friendly to others; is happy and optimistic; and, gets along with people who are relatively extroverted.

3. Conscientiousness

This pertains to a person’s level of purposefulness. It is the extent to which a person is focused or flexible. Its two extremes are either you are flexible or you are purposeful and careful.

For example, a person who is generally purposeful or careful is often lead by his/her/their conscience; is exact and meticulous; believes that proper preparations are what get the job done; is generally well organized; is sometimes overly prudent; keeps his/her/their promises and believes that others should as well; have a strong desire to successfully complete things; is often seen as someone with high standards; likes to plan ahead; desires to get things done correctly; likes to be around people who are neat; and, messiness is usually more troubling to you.

READ ALSO: Conscientious Style as a Personality Trait

4. Friendliness

This is the extent to which a person is attracted to people and people mindedness. It indicates how well a person is interested in other people and how affable the person is. It’s two extremes are either you are task-oriented and business-like or you are people-minded and attentive.

For example, a person who is generally people-minded or attentive is mild and can be highly empathetic; understand his/her/their emotional side; takes other people’s feelings into account; can be very helpful; tend to soften bad news or simply not give it; relatively mild in his/her/their assessment of others; known to be nice and sociable; is more collaborative than competitive; finds it difficult to deal with people that are harsh and unrelenting; and, feels more comfortable with people who take others into account.

5. Openness

This pertains to originality and intellect. It indicates how well a person searches for new insights or has a more practical, routine-like attitude. It’s two extremes are either you are practical and polite or you are original.

For example, a person who is generally practical or polite is more focused than others on the here and now; prefers to get down to work; is readily not the type that wants things discussed for too long; slightly prefers routine and tend to take practical approaches; considered as conservative, loyal and pragmatic; finds it difficult to deal with people who are too dreamy, vague or always wondering whether there is a better way to do things; prefers to accept things as they are; and, prefers people who can take a level-headed approach to things.

In conclusion, you have now understood the five main personality traits. You can judge yourself on which spectrum you are on each extremes of the traits. This is either to the left (i.e. less extreme) or the right (i.e. more extreme). If you judge yourself to the left, it means you are either below average or (extremely) low on the personality trait. While those on the right are either above average or (extremely) high. However, it is important to emphasize that a person’s personality cannot be completely expressed by these five traits. They are just the main ones. Therefore, they should not be used as the ultimate judgment of your attitudes.

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