Picture a big ship being worked on in a dry dock. Beneath the waterline is all the junk it has picked up during its several voyage. Nobody can see it, but an experienced captain can feel it because his ship lacks the drive it once had. As a result, companies complain that it takes too long to get goods for their customers, and the ship’s owners are unhappy because it hurts their bottom-line in a competitive market.

The efforts required to remove the junk is back-breaking and time-consuming, and there is no other way to do it. But finally, after months of hard work, the dry dock is flooded with water, the gates open and the big ship heads out to sea and back into the profit column. There was a great joy for the owners of the ship. The captain of the ship was also happy because his profit will increase. The companies were also happy because they are back in business.

Writing to Believers at Corinth, Paul says, “Examine yourself as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves” – 2 Cor 13:5 NKJV. Let’s be honest; it is easier to examine your neighbor than to examine yourself. It is easier to talk about what you once accomplished rather than what you are accomplishing now. Are you slowing down? Are you losing spiritual momentum? Are you in the profit or loss column? You will find answers under the waterline where only God and you can see.

Carelessness, a critical spirit, compromise, conformity to the world and coldness of heart: that’s the junk that builds up and slows you down. These are the subtle sins you must deal with to be everything God called you to be and enjoy the blessings He has in store for you. Take a time out today and figure out the junks in your life with the help of the Holy Spirit. And when you do, work it out with the Holy Spirit and remove all the junks in your life. You can’t do this on your own. Seek the Holy Spirit’s help and continually free yourself from the junks.


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