Early flood warnings cannot be effective unless they are received, understood and responded to by the end users. This project used mobile services (Voice Message Broadcasting) to improve the communication of flood warnings from national to community level in a fast and effective manner during the 2014 floods in Sirajganj, a district in Northern Bangladesh. It is a part of the Rajshahi Division.


Project partners:

Cordaid (https://www.cordaid.org/en/)
Flood Forecasting and Warning Center (FFWC), Bangladesh Water Development Board (http://ffwc.gov.bd/)
Regional Integrated Multi Hazard Early Warning System (RIMES) (http://www.rimes.int/)
Deltares (http://www.deltares.nl/)
Concern Universal Bangladesh (http://concern-universal.org/where-we-work/bangladesh/)
Practical Action Bangladesh (http://practicalaction.org/bangladesh)
MMS (http://www.mmsbangladesh.org/about-mms/)
HKV consultants (http://www.hkv.nl/)

Connecting the unconnected with actionable information.

Source: Raihanul Haque Khan


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