Are you looking for success? The definition of success you would find below will help you know what to do so as to get success whenever your need it. Please note, success doesn’t come easy but you need to follow the definition below squarely. You will also need to persevere so that this definition can help you a great deal.


Definition of Success by Adesoji Adegbulu

S – Sacrificing sleep, money, time, food etc to un-learn, learn & re-learn
U – Understanding your WHYs for success
C – Cultivating required habits for success
C – Creatively acting out what will bring you more success
E – Expressing unconditional love to your clients, competitors and everyone else that matters
S – Supporting & helping others to become α success
S – Submitting your all to God, Jesus Christ & Holy Spirit

Now that you have seen my definition of success, you should go ahead and do likewise. Employ this definition with your own uniqueness.

Feel free to share with your friends.

Have a SUCCESSful life


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