Before I get into details. I need to clarify that I’m not happy when people die of health epidemics. To those who have died because of the Ebola Virus epidemic, all I can say is, may the good Lord grant them eternal rest. And for the rest of us still alive. We can only do our best not to contact the virus. Now that I have that clarified, let’s find out the blessings of ebola for Africa.


The truth is, there is no need for a solution if there is not a problem which needs a solution. We have heard, read or witnessed several health epidemics (problems) which led to great inventions (solutions). These inventions would not have come to reality if not because of the epidemics. I understand that some people make inventions even without the problems yet in sight (pro-action). As well, most solutions came to life because of the existing problem (re-action).

Here is the blessing of ebola as my (internet) friend from Cameroon – Churchill Nanje Mambe, tweeted

The blessings of ebola is in the huge opportunities it creates for Africa in the medical and pharmaceutical industries. As at the time of writing this post, Ebola virus has no known medical cure but that doesn’t mean it can’t be cured. This is a big opportunity for Africa and a blessing in disguise. We Africans can solve our problems. We can take this opportunity and use it for a good social cause that will help lots of other Africans and also improve our personal and national economy.

If you want more information about ebola, please visit Ebola Facts dot com (image source), a public service by Big Cabal Media


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  1. Interesting view and perspective. Maybe its really the time for new gaps to be filled.

    1. Yes, the “time” has been upon us for ages. We can fill the gaps.

  2. I can tell you that we have only noticed the gap. Implementation is the big problem in this country. Who is going to make them implement?

    tell me, please

    PS bear in mind that I am a scientist by discipline so I know firsthand the limitations.

    1. True Theresa, implementation is a bigger problem in Nigeria that we also need to handle. By “them”, i’m assuming you mean the government? As a scientist in the medical field, if you have something great to fill one of the gaps, you should be ready not to give up in the face of limitations. It’s one thing to have a solution, it’s another thing to get the solution to be used.

      The question is, how valuable and useful is the solution? Limitations gives way to values that is consistently spoken about to those who needs to implement them. It gives was to values that is consistently put into use (tests).

      I know this is difficult. But it’s what we need to do. Nothing good comes easy. Good things needs to prove their worth (for years) before they can be implemented by the government of a nation.

  3. U forget one blessing: Africa should have realised that its development lies in its hand and stop hoping that its relationship with the west and asian countries will one day translate to development. Case in point: more than 500 African deaths had been reported & the west insisted there was no cure. But immediately two USA citizens were infected, a trial drug materialised

    1. Thanks Chidi. Africa knows that but we are somewhat scared to be left alone.

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