Why June 5? It is because the World Environment Day is celebrated yearly every June 5. This year 2023 is no difference. Whoever you are, whether an individual or a group or a corporation, you can join millions wherever you are in the world to beat plastic pollution. This is not a one day thing. This year’s World Environment Day is a call to everyone to join forces and beat the plastic pollution problems in the world. World Environment Day is one of the biggest days for the environment. Led by the UN Environment Programme and held yearly since 1973, it is celebrated by millions of people across the world. This year’s observance is hosted by Côte d’Ivoire in partnership with the Netherlands.

Governments and local authorities can act, commit and set new norms and standards to drive change, introduce laws to reduce the production of harmful and unnecessary plastics, and incentivise sustainable business practices.

Business and finance can design out waste by eliminating and substituting unnecessary and hazardous plastic production and packaging, especially single-use plastic, and invest in environmentally sustainable businesses.

Individuals and communities, can keep using your voice and actions to push for lasting solutions.

The Beat Plastic Pollution Practical Guide provides tips on actions we can all take to halt and reverse the damage being caused by plastic pollution.

How much do you know about the plastic pollution crisis?

Ahead of this year’s World Environment Day, which focuses on solutions to beat plastic pollution, take this quiz to see how much you know about plastic pollution.

Source: e-mail sent to subscribers who wants to receive updates from the UN Environment Programme

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