But wanting to be rich, paired with an intensity of desire, unflinching focus, definitive planning, and unwavering persistence, is enough. This is how you turn daydreams of decadence into reality: one day at a time. If you are looking for the exact formula for getting rich. This is it.

However, the sad truth is, if your unflinching focus is winning the lottery to be rich, you are not going to win it. You also will probably not inherit millions from any of your parents or relatives. You won’t get rich that easy. If not, you should have by now. If you are going to get rich, you are going to have to do it the hard way. You got to have the zeal to build a better life for yourself. No one else can do this for you, not even me writing this.

Although, I can give you tips such as the following;

  • – understand how the economy works.
  • – understand how stocks and bonds works.
  • – know how to access money through smart loans.
  • – have a well planned mortgage.
  • – understand bad credit, good debt and interest rates.
  • – know how to monetize your talent.
  • – understand budgeting
  • – know what assets are and how they are different from liabitilies.
  • – etc

I leave you for now with this quote by one of the greatest minds in building riches.

“Wishing will not bring riches. But desiring riches with a state of mind that becomes an obsession, then planning definite ways and means to acquire riches, and backing those plans with persistence which does not recognize failure, will bring riches.” – Napolean Hill, Author of Think and Grow Rich

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