I took a total of 73 Lyft rides in a year. If you have read my previous post about how many Uber rides I took in a year and what I found out, then you already know how this one about Lyft is going go down. If you haven’t you could spend a few minutes reading that too.

I was able to keep track of my Lyft rides in a year using one of the features in the Lyft app. For the Lyft app, you can see your past rides via the “Ride history” tab. There you will see details such as ride distance, ride time, ride cost, car type (brand and model), and the driver’s details (name and picture). These details are available for several months after you take the ride. You can even export these information as an email report.

73 Lyft Rides in a Year

Here is what I found.

Top 7 Car Brands

This list shows the car brands (and the number of times) that the Lyft drivers used to take me to my different destinations.

  • Toyota: 27 times.
  • Nissan: 9 times.
  • Honda: 6 times.
  • Kia: 6 times.
  • Hyundai: 5 times.
  • Ford: 5 times.
  • Chevrolet: 3 times.

The other car brands (and number of times) are Volkswagen (1), Tesla (1), GMC (1), Lexus (1), Jeep (1), Mercedes Benz (2), Ram (1), Mazda (2), Mitsubishi (1), and Chrysler (1). That is a total of 17 different Car Brands.

Top 5 Car Models

This list shows the car models and the number of times that the Lyft drivers used to take me to my different destinations.

  • Camry: 12 times.
  • Corolla: 9 times.
  • Altima: 4 times.
  • Rogue: 3 times.
  • Sonata: 3 times.

Apart from the 5 car models above, I rode on 34 other car models in 2024. It will interest you to know that most of the car models on this list were made by Toyota i.e. Camry and Corolla. The other makers of the car models on the list are Nissan (Altima and Rogue), Hyundai (Sonata).

Ride Time, Ride Cost and Driver’s Gender

This list shows the total ride time (in minutes), total ride costs (in US Dollars, and the Lyft driver’s gender type (and the number of times).

  • Total ride time: 900 minutes.
  • Total ride cost: 882.11 dollars.
  • Male: 57 times.
  • Female: 16 times.

If you prefer the total ride time in hours, that is exactly 15 hours spent in a Lyft ride during the year 2024. The 15 hours costed me exactly 882.11 US Dollars. That’s an average of $58.81 per hour spent in a Lyft ride. In addition, most of the drivers were traditionally male, taking 78.08%.

Conclusion for my Lyft Rides in a Year

Without going in-depth into data/statistical analysis, I found out that in my experience, most of the Lyft drivers were males who used Toyota Camry for the services they provide. Furthermore, an average Lyft ride costed me $12.02.

If you are wondering, my current rider rating on Lyft is 5.00.

READ ALSO: 197 Uber Rides in a Year

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