
How to Boost Your Business Blog Productivity: Optimize Your Blog

Blogging is not just enough, you need to constantly optimize your blog if you want to boost its productivity. It is worthwhile that you constantly look over some of the key pages, posts, menus, sidebars etc on your blog. For example, the about page of your blog is one that is read a lot by new visitors. It’s also a page that many bloggers forget to keep up to date with new developments. Make it a duty to always update your blog’s key pages.

Here are things you cab do to optimize your blog constantly

Check for Hot Posts

One of the tasks that I build into my own blogging on a monthly basis is to dig into Google Analytics. I do a number of things while digging in but one simple task that can have significant impact is to look for “hot posts” — posts that attract a higher rate of traffic than normal posts. These are posts with more pageviews or more comments.

Optimize your blogMost blogs have a few hot posts in their archives, and they’re not always the ones you’d expect. These posts are real opportunities — there are people viewing them and chances are that once they do, they then disappear never to return. Once you’ve identified your hot posts, think about how you can optimize them. You might put a bit more time into optimizing them for SEO, you might want to think about how to hook visitors of that page into subscribing, or you might want to even think about promoting a product (yours or someone else’s) from that post. Really what you do will depend upon your goals.

Interlink Your Posts

Another task that I try to do is going back through old posts in my archives and looking for opportunities to interlink them. Many times bloggers write multiple posts on their blog on related topics, and each one is an opportunity to interlink relevant content. This benefits your readers, as you give them further reading on the topic, and helps with your search rankings (internal links help your SEO a little). Pay particular attention to opportunities to link to your own products in older posts.

Optimize Menus and Sidebars

One task that I think many of us could benefit from on a periodic basis is a critical review of menus and navigation areas on our blogs. Ultimately, it’s about working out what actions you want readers to take when they visit your blog and then making sure that you’re calling your readers to those actions in prominent places on your blog. You need to be observant of your blog and reader. This would help you optimize your blog and thereby boosting your blog’s productivity.


1 Comment

  1. Wow…. Great tips. I just started my blog and this will surely help me.

    1. Sure Charles,

      It will help a great deal. You could also read other blogging tips on this blog.

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