
7 Areas of Constant Growth for an Extraordinary Life

All of us have gap between where we are and where we want to be. As achievers we know that whatever we focus on, we will find a way to achieve. The challenge so many of us face is in finding balance. If you want an extraordinary life, there are seven areas of constant growth you must master: Physical Body, Emotions & Meaning, Relationships, Time, Career & Mission, Finances, and Contribution & Spirituality. Like spokes on a wheel, if one or more of these areas is out of balance, you are going to experience pain.



While all seven areas of life are important, there is a hierarchy that creates peak performance and fulfillment. If you don’t master your body—your capacity to maximize your health, energy and vitality—all the money, career success or contribution in the world will be worthless.

Source: Tony Robbins, the author of MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom



  1. Thanks for sharing

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